Mecca Bingo aims to raise £60K in 60 days for charity Carers Trust

Mecca Bingo is supporting Carers Trust throughout Autumn
Many people may not know this, but Mecca Bingo's parent company, Rank, produces charity bingo games regularly that go towards great causes. In April, the no-wagering bingo site provided a charity bingo that supported the war in Ukraine.
From the 2nd of September until the 1st of November 2022, Mecca Bingo is hoping to raise £60,000 in just 60 days through charity bingo games. All of the profits from the bingo games will go to the chosen charity of Carers Trust.
What is Carers Trust?
As one of the biggest charities in the UK for carers, Carers Trust works to improve support, services and recognition for unpaid careers looking after ill, frail or disabled people. Through campaigning and research, Carers Trust has improved the lives of thousands of carers.
The site provides get and advice for those who need it such as carer's allowance, benefits or practical support that is available to them. The charity also helps with online forums to provide reassurance for those who need it.
How to get involved
Last year, Mecca Bingo raised a total of £112,716.93 through the charity bingo games and they are hoping to increase this amount even more for 2022. In total, the no-wagering bingo site has received £48,342.60 in donations with the hope of raising at least £60,000 in just 60 days.
All the charity games are available online with tickets starting at just 10p. All the games will pay out at least £100 to £150 in prize money with full houses going up to £75.
The bingo games will be found in Two Little Ducks, Main Event, Penny Lane and Lucky For Some with extra games added at 12:15pm and 3:15pm as well as extra games on Monday nights every hour from 6:15pm to 11:15pm. All of the profits will contribute towards Carers Trust to help unpaid and hardworking careers.