CAP introduces new gambling advertising rules

New gambling advertising rules coming into effect
The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) has announced a new set of rules introduced for gambling advertisements as part of its commitment to safeguarding young and vulnerable people.
These rules are expected to come into effect on 1st October 2022, once the delayed UK Gambling review is released.
Who is CAP?
They are a British organisation responsible for the UK Code of Non-Broadcast Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing which is the main code of practice for self-regulation of the non-broadcast advertising industry.
According to their website: “Together we work to support the industry to help them get their ads right before they are published. We do this by providing guidance, pre-publication advice and training for the industry.”
“Significantly impact gambling advertisers,” says CAP
The new rules introduced will “significantly impact gambling advertisers looking to promote their brands using prominent sportspeople and celebrities as well as individuals like social media influencers, who are of strong appeal to those under-18,” according to CAP.
Any content such as imagery, themes or characters that have a strong appeal to under 18s are prohibited. Using top footballers, reality stars or video game imagery that appeals to young people will no longer be allowed in adverts.
“A new era for gambling ads,” says CAP
“Our gambling advertising rules have always placed a particular emphasis on protecting young and vulnerable people and we will continue to review our rules, policies and guidelines to make sure that they are effective,” a statement from CAP read.
“The days of gambling ads featuring sports stars, video game imagery and other content of strong appeal to under-18s are numbered,” said CAP Director Shahriar Coupal.
Coupal added: “By ending these practices, our new rules invite a new era for gambling ads, more particular to the adult audience they can target and more befitting of the age-restricted product they’re promoting.”